Case Study: Global Fund of Fund Asset Manager with 270bn assets under management

March 5, 2019

The Problem

This fund of funds team was unable to determine if the funds on the buy list were significantly superior to similar sounding investments. They were also unable to sufficiently differentiate funds based on fund strategy – not just performance figures. Using the standard 3 x 3 style box analysis limited their ability to perform deeper analysis during the fund selection process, they needed to gain more granular understanding about a fund’s positioning and exposures to various styles to better inform their clients.

Additionally, the operational burden of uploading fund data on over 200 funds in different formats and frequencies was causing internal inefficiencies on reporting.

The Solution

Working through the current flow of how a fund selection team operated, many of the issues of analysing and reporting on fund of funds could be solved by streamlining and automating the fund data collection and review process. By providing market, portfolio and peer analysis on one platform this enables the fund selection team to quickly construct fund of fund portfolios, test the performance scenarios and provide deep insight into the oversight process.


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Investment Metrics, a Confluence Company, is a global leading provider of investment analytics, reporting, data and research solutions that help institutional investors and advisors achieve better financial outcomes, grow assets and retain clients with clear investment insights.