Article: Much faster due diligence

June 9, 2020

Researching potential managers and conducting due diligence can be complex, time-consuming and taxing. Collecting data into a usable database is a costly and time-consuming prerequisite, and only once there can you begin the process of calculating attributes of interest to compare managers to one another. But even then, most of these home-grown analyzes are done on managers’ returns when what you really want is a holdings-based comparison. Your technology resource reminds you that “you can have it fast or you can have it accurately, but not both.”

Introducing Similyzer™: the fast and accurate holdings-based asset manager comparison tool. Similyzer™ provides an instant comparison of funds on a wide variety of metrics including similarity of factor exposures with comparisons of performance, risk, ESG, sector and geographical exposure, and so on. 

Stephen Beinhacker of SEI told us that “Similyzer™ is a big time saver. It quickly and easily sheds an interesting light on managers’ similarities and differences. Before this tool, it simply took too long to identify manager-specific attributes and now I can dig as deeply as I need to find gems of information.”

With the capability to filter and compare funds based on similarity scores or chosen variables of interest, you can focus your research and find what you need quickly and efficiently. Similyzer™ lets you compare your funds with over 28,000 other funds in the Morningstar and eVestment databases.


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Talk to us. See why top investment consultants, asset managers and asset owners rely on our market-leading data, analytics and reporting solutions. 

Investment Metrics, a Confluence Company, is a global leading provider of investment analytics, reporting, data and research solutions that help institutional investors and advisors achieve better financial outcomes, grow assets and retain clients with clear investment insights.