Customer Testimonial: Vontobel analyzes factor changes with DeltaZoom

August 4, 2021

With DeltaZoom™, Vontobel Asset Management can spot factor exposure changes in seconds. The tool allows users to instantly:

  • See how market movements, trading decisions and factor changes impact portfolios
  • Craft a full narrative of every change to a portfolio’s factors
  • Delve into changes by region, country and sector, all the way to security level
  • Isolate the changes that matter to investors

Hear why Vontobel Asset Management relies on DeltaZoom™—and see how it can help you too.


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Investment Metrics, a Confluence Company, is a global leading provider of investment analytics, reporting, data and research solutions that help institutional investors and advisors achieve better financial outcomes, grow assets and retain clients with clear investment insights.