by ivm_wpadmin | Jul 28, 2023
U.S. large cap growth continues to outperform value, but value managers outperform benchmark as growth managers struggle to keep pace with Russell 1000 Index Last quarter data from Investment Metrics, a Confluence company, showed that despite rising rates, growth...
by ivm_wpadmin | Jul 26, 2023
Plan Universe Performance Defined Benefit plans in the Investment Metrics Plan Sponsor Universes posted a median net return of 2.82% in the second quarter of 2023. Plan performance continued to rebound, posting three consecutive positive quarters, after posting three...
by ivm_wpadmin | Jun 6, 2023
Asset flows increased by 18% (to $51 billion) from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023, based on active manager strategy asset data from Investment Metrics, a Confluence company’s Global Database. Non-US equity and emerging markets equity portfolios saw a sharp increase in...
by ivm_wpadmin | May 19, 2023
by ivm_wpadmin | Apr 27, 2023
Q1 2023 Manager Research: U.S. Small Cap Value Equity Performance In July 2021, research from Investment Metrics, a Confluence company found that rising rates should help Value stocks and hurt Growth stocks. We certainly witnessed this in the small cap space where the...