Video: Negotiate Fees with Confidence

There’s now an easy way to benchmark post-negotiated manager fees. With over 50K fee observations across 60+ styles, you can access the most trusted source of actual, paid fee data with Fee Analyzer. Watch this 30-second demo to see how investment consultants utilize...

Video: Benchmark Your Manager Fees

Ever wonder if your manager fees are in line with the market? With Fee Analyzer, you can use the same data as Investment Consultants to see where your fees fit. Check out this 45-second demo to see how you can benchmark actual paid fees against your like-peers to gain...

Article: Rightsizing Fees to Win New Mandates

The discussion about whether capital markets are efficient or not, and if active managers can add value over a passive benchmark, has been ongoing for decades1. This has led many to invest their money in passively managed portfolios as logically speaking, why would...