by ivm_wpadmin | Oct 27, 2020
Some factors regularly outperform after US Presidential Elections: Value, Small Cap and High Volatility tend to outperform following a Presidential electionWhile Growth, Momentum, and Quality consistently underperformThis is due to new economic packages stimulating...
by ivm_wpadmin | Oct 26, 2020
Recently while working on some analysis for a client looking into product development within the International Large Cap Equity, I was surprised to see that post negotiated fees in the mandate had actually increased during the first half of 2020. Previously we have...
by ivm_wpadmin | Oct 9, 2020
Ever wonder if your manager fees are in line with the market? With Fee Analyzer, you can use the same data as Investment Consultants to see where your fees fit. Check out this 45-second demo to see how you can benchmark actual paid fees against your like-peers to gain...
by ivm_wpadmin | Sep 27, 2020
Don’t let a lack of fee data get in the way of fee negotiation. You can gain the transparency you need into actual fees paid with Fee Analyzer. Check out our quick demo.
by ivm_wpadmin | Sep 23, 2020
Asset allocation is the foundation to constructing and optimizing an investment portfolio, and the core driver for performance. In the current economic environment, the complexity of managing performance and risk exposure against market volatility make it especially...