by ivm_wpadmin | Nov 3, 2021
Manager skill is often assessed by examining the consistency with which they outperform the market: even poor managers may get lucky every once in a while, but consistent outperformance requires skill. Following this logic, we examined 308 global equity funds with a...
by ivm_wpadmin | Oct 28, 2021
Asset allocators turn to plan universes to assess their performance relative to their peers. That same plan universe data also holds the potential to help them do more. What would you do if you received a sudden, huge donation to your endowment plan? Where would you...
by ivm_wpadmin | Oct 15, 2021
It is clear that over the last couple of years, asset manager fees have been down but with a wide range of disparity depending on firm size and investment types. At the same time, we saw a Growth-Value rotation earlier this year as equity outflows continue. All...
by ivm_wpadmin | Oct 13, 2021
by ivm_wpadmin | Oct 7, 2021