Article: Reap the benefits of fund consolidation

Are you overdiversified? Do your funds have high overlap in their investment styles or holdings? Identifying fund consolidation opportunities can deliver more effective asset allocation by helping you clearly track your investments and better diversifying your...

Article: What are your managers unique investment exposures?

Many investors today have turned to factor investing as a systematic and cost-efficient way to achieve exposure to a particular factor premium, such as Value or Momentum, or to a specific set of custom factors. To achieve their goals, investors need to determine the...

Article: Much faster due diligence

Researching potential managers and conducting due diligence can be complex, time-consuming and taxing. Collecting data into a usable database is a costly and time-consuming prerequisite, and only once there can you begin the process of calculating attributes of...

Article: How fast can you replace a manager?

As difficult as it may be to decide to divest a manager, the next decision – where to reinvest that money – can be an even bigger challenge. Without the right tools, the process to find a replacement manager can be very time consuming; it is an involved process with...