Article: Rightsizing Fees to Win New Mandates

The discussion about whether capital markets are efficient or not, and if active managers can add value over a passive benchmark, has been ongoing for decades1. This has led many to invest their money in passively managed portfolios as logically speaking, why would...

Article: How easily can another fund steal one of your investors?

The unknown risk is the most dangerous of all because you don’t even see it coming. Investment management is a highly competitive business and the threat of a competitor whispering in your investors’ ears is more than a possibility — it’s a likelihood. That’s why it’s...

Article: Reap the benefits of fund consolidation

Are you overdiversified? Do your funds have high overlap in their investment styles or holdings? Identifying fund consolidation opportunities can deliver more effective asset allocation by helping you clearly track your investments and better diversifying your...

Article: What are your managers unique investment exposures?

Many investors today have turned to factor investing as a systematic and cost-efficient way to achieve exposure to a particular factor premium, such as Value or Momentum, or to a specific set of custom factors. To achieve their goals, investors need to determine the...